Number one in Poland among Current Research Information Systems - the highest number (40) of implementations in research institutions
5th place* worldwide among Current Research Information Systems (the highest number of implementations in research institutions)
The license of the software is free of charge. The system is distributed together with the source code
The system is made according to WCAG 2.1, taking into account the needs of people with disabilities
We organize conferences and webinars for Omega-PSIR community creating great space for networking
The system has been developed at the Institute of Computer Science of the Warsaw University of Technology
We are committed to build openness in science and share knowledge on the international level. Through the newsletter, we want to inform you about webinars and conferences, as well as share knowledge about, inter alia, managing information about science and research potential. We will also inform you about new functionalities and other changes to the Omega-PSIR, developed at Warsaw University of Technology - which connect CRIS/RPS/IR and research data repository in one system. We will not send you anything that we would consider spam ourselves.